Labiaplasty Requests Rising Among Teenagers
One of the most newsworthy developments in plastic surgery last year was the spike in teenagers requesting labiaplasty, or cosmetic genital surgery. In fact, the increase in requests was so.
A Rejuvenating Way to Use Your Tax Refund
In April, reported that the IRS had already issued $228.780 billion in tax refunds — an average of $2,798 per taxpayer. Nearly half of all refund recipients that filled.
5 Signs of a Bad Candidate for Plastic Surgery
Part of being a trustworthy medical professional is the careful and unbiased consideration of every prospective surgical candidate. Occasionally, Dr. Ary Krau must admit that a person is not a.
Day of Surgery Checklist
The day of surgery conjures up many emotions: excitement, anticipation and perhaps even a little trepidation. There is no reason, however, to stress about the experience. Dr. Ary Krau makes.
Recent Trends in Plastic Surgery
As one of Miami’s most trusted plastic surgeons, Dr. Ary Krau follows new trends and technology with interest. He believes it is important to stay up-to-date with what plastic surgery.