If you are undergoing tummy tuck after having children or losing a significant amount of weight, it is important to understand that the procedure will leave a scar. However, according.
For decades surgical brow lift has been a popular way to improve the position of low, drooping brows that give the face an angry, sad or fatigued expression. Nowadays, more.
As one of Miami’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr. Ary Krau has his finger on the pulse of the latest beauty trends. This year was a particularly exciting year for the.
Breast reduction is one of the most rewarding plastic surgery procedures Dr. Ary Krau offers. Women of all ages and backgrounds who struggle with physical and emotional distress related to.
Do you get plenty of sleep and take care of your skin, yet still have prominent dark undereye circles? Dark circles are caused by a variety of factors, some of.
Although breast augmentation and breast lift are two completely different procedures, patients often confuse the two, according to Miami plastic surgeon Ary Krau. Breast augmentation involves inserting saline or silicone.
It seems intuitive to think about having plastic surgery during the warm spring and summer months. When you spend so much time wearing a bikini or swim trunks at the.
Re-entering the dating scene after divorce or spousal loss can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re using dating apps or websites for the first time. With online dating, first.
Women seek breast augmentation for a variety of reasons. Some women desire larger breasts after spending most of their life embarrassed by a naturally small bust. Others want to regain.
Gynecomastia, a medical condition characterized by enlarged breast tissue, is a cause of physical and emotional discomfort for many men. As a result, the number of men seeking out male.
Slim, toned arms are highly desirable among both men and women. Unfortunately, weight loss efforts sometimes fall short in achieving attractive arms. This is because loose skin and tissue as.
The latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reveal that more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in 2018, a 29 percent increase since 2000..