What is a Breast Revision?
While plastic surgery can enhance your appearance, it doesn't stop time or prevent any changes from happening to your body. It also doesn't keep you from changing your mind further.
It’s All About Botox
You might feel young, but the fine lines by your eyes and the pair of lines between your eyebrows might suggest otherwise. Your face is an active area, and all.
All About Rhinoplasty
In 2012, rhinoplasty, also called nose reshaping or a nose job, was the second most popular plastic surgery in the US, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A.
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A Brazilian butt lift is the colloquial term for a buttocks augmentation. People choose to undergo a butt lift to enhance the size of their derrieres. A butt lift can.
Preparing for Plastic Surgery in Miami
The way you prepare for an upcoming cosmetic surgery procedure helps determine the final outcome of the surgery. Making changes to your habits and lifestyle in the weeks leading up.